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The Heritage of a Transit Camp: Fossoli

Thursday 27 January 6pm, online   
International Holocaust Memorial Day   

Introduction by Philip Mears – Holocaust Memorial Day Trust   
Followed by the presentation of the book The Heritage of a Transit Camp Fossoli: History, Memory Aesthetics (Peter Lang, 2021) by the curators of the book, Matteo Cassani Simonetti, Roberta Mira, Daniele Salerno togheter with Marzia Luppi, Director of Fondazione Fossoli.

The former camp of Fossoli in northern Italy was established in 1942 by the Royal Italian Army as a camp for prisoners of war, later becoming a Nazi-Fascist concentration and transit camp for political opponents, Jews and forced labourers. The Fondazione Fossoli, created in Carpi in 1996, manages this legacy with the purpose of preserving and transmitting the historical memory of the Fossoli camp.

Matteo Cassani Simonetti is Senior Assistant Professor of History of Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna.

Roberta Mira is currently Adjunct Professor of History of Conflicts at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Daniele Salerno is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow at the University of Utrecht, in collaboration with the University of Buenos Aires, and associate member of the ERC research group «Remembering Hope: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe» (REACT).

Marzia Luppi has published various articles on local history and place memory. She is a member of the Association Amis de Charlotte Delbo and in the Scientific Committee of the Master in Public History of the University Modena and Reggio.

In collaboration with Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, Fondazione Fossoli

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