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Avvisi – evidenza pubblica

In questa sezione sono pubblicate le procedure ad evidenza pubblica relative all’attività dell’Istituto, tra cui avvisi di sponsorizzazione degli eventi dell’Istituto;  avvio ricerche di mercato; bandi di gara e selezioni.

Gli atti e le informazioni indicati dall’art. 37 del D. Lgs. n. 33 del 2013, con riferimento all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Londra del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI), saranno pubblicati compatibilmente con l’ordinamento giuridico del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord secondo le istruzioni ricevute dall’Ambasciata d’Italia nel Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord.

Tali atti e informazioni, relativi all’Amministrazione Centrale e agli Uffici esteri del MAECI, sono pubblicati nella pagina Informazioni sulle singole procedure in formato tabellare del sito del MAECI.

  • Tender Action Notice Cleaning Services and Security Services. Deadline: 11 April 2023




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating to the procedure for the provision of maintenance and technical support services for the audio / video system of the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Deadline: 4 October 2022




    Avviso riguardante il ricevimento di un'offerta di sponsorizzazione per la rassegna cinematografica "From Venice to London" (17 maggio 2021) / Notice concerning the receipt of a sponsorship offer for the film festival "From Venice to London" (17 May 2021).




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating to the procedure for the provision of maintenance and technical support services for the audio / video system of the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Deadline: 16 March 2021.




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating to the procedure for the provision of maintenance and technical support services for the telephone system of the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Deadline: 16 March 2021.




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating in the procedure for the provision of the window cleaning service. Deadline: 26 January 2021.




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating in the procedure for the provision of disinfecting and exterminating service (rodents). Deadline: 26 January 2021.




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating in the procedure for the provision of the service consisting in supplying, installing and configuring IT hardware and software. Deadline: 21 December 2020.




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating in the procedure for the provision of the services needed by the Italian Cultural Institute in London for the purposes of Articles 3, 5, 7 and 9 of the Decreto del Ministro degli Affari Esteri n. 51 of 2012.
    Deadline: 11 December 2020.




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating to the procedure for the provision of cleaning services to the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Deadline: 26 June 2020.




    Notice of call for expressions of interest in participating to the procedure for the provision of broker and insurance services to the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Deadline: 5 May 2020.