The Sound Between is dedicated to the renowned Sardinian artist Pinuccio Sciola and to the relations between sculpture, shape and sound in his works.
Developed by Indòru – Boutique del Suono in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in London, Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission and Fondazione Pinuccio Sciola and funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, The Sound Between is focused on Pietre Sonore (Sounding Stones), the scuptures Pinuccio Sciola created from 1996, to unveil the dynamism of sound hidden in a material traditionally confined to visual perception.
Italian Genius – From Leonardo da Vinci to Pinuccio Sciola – a lecture by Giulia Pilloni
Italian Genius – From Leonardo da Vinci to Pinuccio Sciola is the result of an experimental research focusing on these two Artists and their relationship with Nature. Leonardo da Vinci and Pinuccio Sciola are two Thinker Artists, they operate 400 years apart, in two different historical and cultural contexts and with different materials and finalities. Hence, what do these two artists, so brilliant and at the same time so dissimilar in their respective artistic modus operandi, have in common? The answer lies in their observation of Nature: although using different methods, they reach commons purposes and solutions with the aim of investigating the Earth’s origin, seen both as a planet and as a living spirit.
In Leonardo da Vinci and Pinuccio Sciola is evident a deep love for Nature, that reveals to them the relentless movement that turns life in death and vice-versa, and the access key to understanding abstract and invisible things, hidden in the chasm of geological time.
Giulia Pilloni studied at the University of Cagliari, where she graduated with a thesis on Pinuccio Sciola and his work between the 60s and 90s. Her research concentrated on those three decades during which the artist gained international recognition, subsequently reaffirmed by his renowned work Sounding Stones in the early 90s.
She has taken part to several international conferences and seminars on Sardinian traditional art. Since 2017, in her hometown of San Sperate she has been collaborating with the annual Visual Art Festival San’Arte, originated by an idea of Pinuccio Sciola and implemented by the eponymous Foundation; within the 2019 edition of the Festival she curated the touring exhibition In Principio fu Pietrino, focused on Pinuccio Sciola’s artistic and social endeavours, as documented in the Foundations’ archives, between 1959 and the end of the 70s.
Giulia Pilloni currently carries on her research work with the Foundations PS Museum and Pinuccio Sciola, which look after the Giardino Sonoro (Sounding Garden) in San Sperate and the artist’s Open Air Museum, organise cultural events, curate the Archive and file the sculptor’s works.
The Sound Between will then explore the figure of Pinuccio and display the music potential of Pietre Sonore with three more events.
30 January 2020
Rooms to Explore – Piano and Stones Concert
13 February 2020
Pinuccio Sciola – Art, Form and Sound
27 February 2020
Time Persistence – Strings and Stones Concert
The Sound Between is part of the international and interdisciplinary project Cross Cultural Identity Project IdentityLab_2, conceived by Indòru – Boutique del Suono, funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (IdentityLAB_2 – POR FESR 2014/2020) and aimed at disseminating Sardinian cultural identity heritage around the world by creating bridges between tradition and contemporary art.