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Italian Sounds in London

A series of chamber concerts from 17 October to 14 December in collaboration with Heath Street Baptist ChurchBaroquestock Festival and Istante Collective.

“Italian Sounds in London” aims to introduce London audiences to the stories, adventures and music of the Italian musicians who sought their fortune in the English capital from the early 1700s to the early 1800s.
The stories of these composers, singers, virtuoso instrumentalists, and sometimes lesser-known teachers, are inevitably intertwined with the great names of English Baroque and Classicism – Handel, Purcell, Haydn, J.Ch.Bach, to name but a few – but also with all the “underworld” of impresarios, charlatans, noblemen, publishers and merchants who had made London one of the most advanced European centres for “musical entrepreneurship”.

All the concerts will be performed in a “historically informed performance practice”: Istante Collective will play on original instruments or copies of the historical period to which they refers. It will therefore be an opportunity to get to know and appreciate a different way of interpreting the baroque and classical repertoire.

Each concert will be preceded by a talk by Dr. Alessandra Palidda, musicologist and researcher at Brookes Oxford University (taking place 20 minutes before advertised concert times).

Drinks and homemade focaccia baked by the festival staff will be available at the interval of each concert!

The Concerts will take place at Heath Street Baptist Church in Hampstead NW3 1DN and will also be live-streamed on Baroquestock Festival’s YouTube and Facebook page

Tickets are available on 

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Istante Collective
Mezzo soprano – Carla Babelegoto
Oboes/recorders – Nicola Barbagli
Recorder – Olwen Foulkes
Violins – Salomè Rateau, Timoti Fregni, Jo Lawrence,
Gabi Jones, Christiane Eidsten Dahl
Violas – Elitsa Bogdanova, Sam Kennedy
Cellos – Alex Rolton, Carina Drudy , Kate Conway
Double bass – John Henry Baker
Theorbo, Baroque Guitar – Johan Lofving
Harpsichord/ fortepiano / organ – Sean Heath

Quartetto Vanvitelli
Gian Andrea Guerra – violino
Nicola Brovelli – cello
Mauro Pinciaroli – theory
Luigi Accardo – Harpsichord

The artistic direction of the festival is by Nicola Barbagli (oboe) & John Henry Baker (doublebass), founders of Istante Collective and organisers of the Baroquestock Festival.

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Full programme of the series

In collaboration with FILL Productions, Baroquestock & Heath Street Arts
Istante Collective ~ resident band