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Leonardo da Vinci and Co., a lecture by Luke Syson

Leonardo da Vinci and Co.

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci‘s death, the Institute proposes an event dedicated to the study of his works: Luke Syson will deal with the question of authorship and the remarkable impact of the multifaceted “Universal Genius”.

Only three paintings in the history of Leonardo scholarship seem never to have been questioned as Leonardo’s autograph. We now know significantly more about Leonardo’s working methods and in particular how he collaborated with pupils and assistants in both Milan and Florence. This presentation will examine his changing collaborative practices and consider the implications for the Salvator Mundi and other works.


Luke Syson is the fourteenth Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum. From 2012-19, he was Chairman of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, where he led on the complete refurbishment of the British Galleries, a $22m project, planned to open in January 2020. Luke has held curatorial positions at the British Museum, V&A and the National Gallery – where he led the successful campaign to acquire Raphael’s Madonna of the Pinks for the nation and curated the highly-acclaimed exhibition, Leonardo da Vinci – Painter at the Court of Milan in 2011.