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Leonardo. Experience a Masterpiece

Ehibition at the National Gallery, London 
9 November 2019 – extended to 26 January 2020 
For more information and bookings, please visit the National Gallery’s website 

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, the National Gallery becomes a painting studio, an imagined chapel and a room-sized experiment in an immersive exhibition that leads the public through the mind of Leonardo da Vinci to explore one of his masterpieces, “The Virgin of the Rocks”.

The secrets of Leonardo’s painting are revealed in four distinct spaces, dedicated to the mind of Leonardo, the studio, the light and shadow experiment, the imagined chapel. Each space invites visitors to look at “The Virgin of the Rocks” in a new way.

The scientific research presented in the exhibition also revealed images of “abandoned” angel and Christ underneath “The Virgin of the Rocks”. More information on this discovery on the National Gallery’s website


  • Organizzato da: National Gallery, London
  • In collaborazione con: ICI London