Online Summer School, 23-26 July 2021
Friday 23 July
4:30-6:30 pm (BST)
Vanadio e il grigio dottor Müller
Simona Forti and Marco Belpoliti in dialogue.
Saturday 24 July
7.30-9:00 pm (BST)
Primo Levi and the Graphic Novel
Dialogue between Ian Thomson & Pietro Scarnera, Matteo Mastragostino, Alessandro Ranghiasci.
Monday, 26 July
4:30 – 6:30 pm (BST)
Che cosa resta da dire e da fare
Domenico Scarpa and Martina Mengoni in dialogue.
The live streaming of these events will be available on the YouTube channel of the Centro Studi Primo Levi in Turin.
You can find the link on: