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The Italian Art of the Bow – Strings & Italian Opera


The Italian Art of the Bow is an opportunity to wander in the opulent and various repertoire for the string family created by Italian composers since the sixteenth century, to be dazzled by the acrobatic virtuosity of their fast-paced pieces, to be charmed by the enchanting, delicate sweetness of their immortal melodies, to be intrigued by the sparkling originality of their sound research, and to discover so many personalities whose names should not be confined to the books on the history of music.


The fabulous, yet unusual Duets for cello and double bass created by the operatic genius Gioacchino Rossini and by the famous eighteenth-century double bass virtuoso Domenico Dragonetti, are back to London after almost two centuries, along with a contemporary piece which renews the long-lasting Romantic tradition of the instrumental transcriptions, variations and fantasie on favourite opera themes.

Gioachino Rossini, Duet for cello and double bass
London Première of the critical edition by Fondazione Gioachino Rossini, Pesaro
Domenico Dragonetti, Duet for cello and double bass
Valentina S. Ciardelli/Giacomo Puccini, Piccola Fantasia on “La Bohème” for cello and double bass

Helena Švigelj, cello
Valentina Ciardelli, double bass

Helena and Valentina thank The Musicians’ Company for its kind support. 




  • Organizzato da: ICI London