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The Italian Files

From Monday 9 January   
The Italian Files    

ICI London presents a new podcast series of 7 conversations hosted by Thea Lenarduzzi about lesser known protagonists, themes and stories of Italian culture, society and history.   
Written and produced by FILL (Festival of Italian Literature in London). Production and sound editing by Emily Naylor; graphic design by Benedetta Bartolucci; web design by Filippo Corti


Thea Lenarduzzi is an editor and podcast host for the Times Literary Supplement, and a writer. Dandelions, winner of the 2020 Fitzcarraldo Editions Essay Prize, is her first book.
The first episode, which will be available to listen to from 9 January (the links will be available on, is:

Monday 9 January
Lorenza Mazzetti
Lorenza Mazzetti’s work as filmmaker and writer has explored personal traumas and society through the eyes of an outsider. The episode will explore her work with Brighid Lowe and Henry K. Miller, makers of the documentary Together with Lorenza Mazzetti.
Guest speakers: Brighid Lowe; Henry K. Miller

A new episode will be launched every two weeks, on the following topics:

Monday 23 January
Women in sports

What are the current trends in women sports today? and what do they tell us about the broader italian society? Giorgia Bernardini, writer and author of the newsletter Zarina dedicated to women sports will tell us more.
Guest speaker: Giorgia Bernardini

Monday 6 February
From Sanremo to Eurovision
Writer and music critic Giulia Cavaliere will unveil the origins of the Sanremo Festival and its impact on Italian contemporary culture. First staged in 1958, the most famous Italian song contest contributed to shaping the Eurovision format.
Guest speaker: Giulia Cavaliere

Listen to Giulia Cavaliere’s  PLAYLIST on Spotify spotify 0

Monday 20 February
Goliarda Sapienza

What is the history and legacy of long forgotten and misunderstood queer, feminist Italian writer Goliarda Sapienza? why do her novels speak volumes today, both in Italy and abroad?
Scholar Alberica Bazzoni, author of the monograph Writing for Freedom: Body, Identity and Power in Goliarda Sapienza’s Narrative will outline how life and work are inseparable in Sapienza’s work.
Guest speaker: Alberica Bazzoni

Monday 6 March
Franco Basaglia, the reformer
Franco Basaglia is the man who reformed the Italian mental health system, closing the asylums in 1978. Who was he, where were his ideas coming from? What is the Legge Basaglia and what is its legacy? We’ll discuss it with writer John Foot.

Guest speaker: John Foot

Monday 20 March
Italian colonialism

Acclaimed writer Maaza Mengiste will talk about the italian invasion of Ethiopia and discuss its legacy both in Ethiopia and in Italy.
Guest speaker: Maaza Mengiste

Monday 3 April
Po, the longest river

Po is Italy longest river but it is also a piece of its history and a metaphor of its future. Tobias Jones, journalist and writer of the fascinating book The Po will guide us through a journey in the past and present of the river.
Guest speaker: Tobia Jones