The Sound Between is dedicated to the renowned Sardinian artist Pinuccio Sciola and to the relations between sculpture, shape and sound in his works.
Developed by Indòru – Boutique del Suono in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in London, Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission and Fondazione Pinuccio Sciola and funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, The Sound Between is focused on Pietre Sonore (Sounding Stones), the sculptures Pinuccio Sciola created from 1996, to unveil the dynamism of sound hidden in a material traditionally confined to visual perception.
Time Persistence – Strings and Stones Concert
“‘Why don’t you speak to me?’ Frustrated by its silence,
Michelangelo slammed down his hammer on Moses’ knee”
According to the legend, when Michelangelo finished the statue of Moses, it looked so real and alive that he ordered it to speak. And seeing that it wouldn’t speak, Michelangelo slammed down his hammer on it in a fit of anger and frustration.
Pinuccio Sciola explained that Michelangelo carved the sculpture on a saccaroid marble: a material that, due to its texture, is very soft and easy to carve, but that does not allow vibration or sound. In order to reconcile Michelangelo with the ‘inner voice’ of the stone, Sciola played his Sounding Stones in front of the Moses at the Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli (Rome) on 27 April 2016, performing the new composition Time Persistence written by Andrea Granitzio especially for that occasion.
This last concert closes The Sound Between, the series of events held at the Italian Cultural Institute in London. The programme includes the world premiere of a number of original compositions for strings, woodwind and Sounding Stones by Andrea Granitzio and Emanuele Contis, founders of Indòru – Boutique del suono.
Enrica Sciandrone, conductor
Yuri Kalnits, first violin
Henry Chandler, second violin
Kathi Von Colson, viola
Claire O’Connell, cello
Sebastiano Dessanay, double bass
Emanuele Contis, soprano Sax
Adrian Rowlands, oboe
Richard Ion, bassoon
Helen Keen, flute
Luke Newby, clarinet
Maria Sciola, sounding stones
Andrea Granitzio, sounding stones