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Premi e contributi per la traduzione di opere editoriali e cinematografiche

The announcement for the year 2024 is now available. The deadline for submitting applications is 24th April 2024.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation promotes the dissemination of Italian publications and films abroad by granting subsidies for translation and dubbing/subtitling, which represent a strategic tool in the promotion of Italian language and culture abroad.

The Foreign Ministry grants two types of financial incentives:
Grants to the translation of unpublished Italian work abroad and to the production, dubbing and subtitling of short and feature films and TV series;
Prizes to Italian works translated abroad, including short films, feature films and TV series.

Please send your application to

More info at

Announcement grants and prizes 2024. English

Application form 2024. English

Bando premi e contributi 2024. Italiano

Modulo di domanda 2024. Italiano